User's Manual Part 2

Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual 161
Chapter 6: Tekterm Application
The Local Menu
6.5.10 The Local Menu
The host can store local procedures in the 7535 for use when the unit is off-line.
A menu of these procedures appears whenever <CTRL> <L> is pressed
(see Figure 6.3).
Press the function key corresponding to the procedure you want to perform.
Local procedures will not function when the “Lcl Process” and “Queuing”
parameters are disabled (see “Lcl Process – Save on Reset” on page 219
and “Queuing” on page 219).
Although using local procedures eliminates the advantages of an on-line 7535,
it allows work to continue when the host is unavailable. The “LOCK-B/H”
messages are replaced with “NEXT-B/H” in this mode.
Figure 6.3 Local Menu
6.5.11 Selecting Another Host Computer
Press <CTRL> <H> or <F9> from the local menu to display a menu of
available hosts.
This menu appears only when more than one host is available.
Figure 6.4 Select Host Screen
Note: This feature will not function when the “Lcl Process” and “Queuing”
parameters are disabled (see “Lcl Process – Save on Reset” on page 219
and “Queuing” on page 219).
F1 -
F2 -
F3 -
F4 -
F5 -
F6 -
F7 -
F8 -
F9 - Select Host
Select Host: ......
F1 - Host 1 F2 - Host 2