User's Manual Part 2

Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual 173
Chapter 6: Tekterm Application
Using The Touchscreen To Navigate Through Menus
Entering Unicode Values
Unicode is a trademark of The Unicode Consortium. To enter a Unicode™ value for
one-time use:
Press and hold down the <ALT> key while typing a four digit decimal value
that represents the Unicode™ character you want to display.
Release the <ALT> key.
Important: If you have a set of Unicode™ values that you use frequently, you
may want to create and save them in a pop-up window so that you
can access them whenever necessary. Refer to “Custom Charac-
ters (Unicode™)” on page 191 for details.
6.9.2 Using The Touchscreen To Navigate Through Menus Sub-Menus
The “»” character appearing to the right of the menu item indicates that it has
a sub-menu.
Displaying Sub-Menus
To display a sub-menu:
Tap the stylus on the menu item with the sub-menu you want
to display.
Returning To The Previous Menu
If the softkey labels are visible at the bottom of the screen, tap the stylus on
the “PREV” (previous) softkey label.
If the softkey labels are not visible, you’ll have to press <F2> – the “PREV”
function key.