User's Manual Part 2

Psion Teklogix 7535 Hand-Held Computer User Manual 219
Chapter 6: Tekterm Application
Features Features
This parameter enables and disables the pins in the serial port used for printers or
other external devices.
Binary print
When this parameter is enabled (set to “Y”), the page displayed on the 7535
computer is spooled as is, except for trailing white-space removal. When disabled
(set to “N”), each line of the page displayed on the hand-held is preceded by a
linefeed (LF) and followed by a carriage return (CR).
This parameter enables and disables queuing mode (see “Queuing Mode” on
page 162). It also enables TESS procedures to be loaded into the 7535. This
parameter should be enabled if local procedures and the ability to switch between
hosts within a TESS session are required. Changes to this parameter take effect only
after the 7535 is reset.
Lcl Process – Save on Reset
The menu item “Local Process” has a sub-menu attached to it – “Save on Reset”.
When this parameter is enabled (set to “Y”), data stored in the 7535 is saved if the
unit is reset. Local procedures are defined on page 161.
Printer Y Y/N
Binary print N Y/N
Queuing Y Y/N
Lcl Process Y » see text
Send Mile N Y/N
Next X N Y/N
Kbd Locked N Y/N
Remap Passthru N Y/N
Disable Beep N Y/N
Serial » see text