User's Manual

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Rev 1.4 7/19
8x 09 7E 7E 01 FF
y0 50 0p 0p 0q 0q 0r 0s tt 0u vv
ww 00 xx 0z FF
pp: R_Gain
qq: B_Gain
r: WB Mode
s: Aperture
tt: AE Mode
u.bit2: Back Light
u.bit1: Exposure Comp.
vv: Shutter Position
ww: Iris Position
xx: Bright Position
z: Exposure Comp. Position
8x 09 7E 7E 02 FF
y0 50 0p 0q 00 0r 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 FF
p.bit0: Power 1:On, 0:Off
q.bit2: LR Reverse 1:On, 0:Off
r.bit3~0: Picture Effect Mode
8x 09 7E 7E 03 FF
y0 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0p
0q rr 0s 0t 0u FF
p: AF sensitivity
q.bit0: Picture flip(1:On, 0:Off)
rr.bit6~3: Color Gain(0h(60%) to Eh(200%))
s: Flip(0: Off, 1:Flip-H, 2:Flip-V, 3:Flip-HV)
t.bit2~0: NR2D Level
u: Gain Limit
The [x] in the above table is the camera address, [y] = [x + 8].