User Instructions INTRE
6. Configuring the connection in PowerSecurity program.
For further configuration, the PowerSecurity program is required. The program is available on:
It is an executable file, which does not require installation.
1) Save to disk and start the downloaded PowerSecurity.exe.
2) Choose the Power Supplies > New Power Supply option from the menu bar. The “Configuration of
connection” window, that allows configuring the settings, will be displayed.
Fig. 9. The connection configuration window.
PSU’s name
The name that should be assigned individually to each PSU.
1 ÷ 247;
Address of another PSU, depending on the type of interface.
Refresh period of
the preview [ms]
100 ÷ 60 000ms;
Refresh period of the parameters in the preview window.
Modbus RTU TCP/IP - connection type depending on the type of interface.
TCP Address
PSU Ethernet network address.
Each Ethernet interface in the network has a unique address.
TCP port
e.g. 2101
Response time [ms]
100 ÷ 60 000ms; - The response time from the power supply interface.
The interval
between the
transmissions [ms]
0 - the minimal interval between transmissions.
The number of
3 - the number of retransmissions after which the program reports a connection error.
3) Once the connection configuration is loaded, the window with a „preview” tab is displayed. Press the
icon in the in the upper left corner to connect with the PSU. As a result, the window will display current
parameters of the PSU, automatically updated on the basis of a preset refresh cycle.