User's Manual

Automatically tuning to digital radio stations
When you switch your Evoke H3 on for the first time, it automatically scans for digital radio stations. If you
move your Evoke H3 to a new location, perform an autotune to update the list of radio stations.
To automatically tune to digital radio stations:
1. Press
2. Press the Select buttons to choose ‘Autotune’.
Your Evoke H3 starts scanning for digital radio stations.
FM radio
Listening to FM radio
To listen to FM radio:
• Press
until ‘FM’ is displayed.
Changing the FM radio station
To change the FM radio station:
To scan to the previous or next radio station, press and hold
or .
To manually tune to a radio station, press
or .
The frequency steps up or down by 0.05 MHz.
Changing the scan settings for FM radio
When you scan for FM radio stations, you can include all radio stations or only those with a strong signal.
To change scan settings for FM radio:
1. Press
2. Press the Select buttons to choose ‘Scan Setting.
3. Press the Select buttons to choose ‘Strong Stations Only’ or ‘All Stations’.