User Manual

3.Press Next .
4.Press Next .
5.Press Next .
6.Click Finish to complete the setup.
When you dow nload the legal M P3 filesWhen you dow nload the legal M P3 files
When you dow nload the legal M P3 filesWhen you dow nload the legal M P3 files
When you dow nload the legal M P3 files
to your to your
to your to your
to your
PC, how to transfer those files toPC, how to transfer those files to
PC, how to transfer those files toPC, how to transfer those files to
PC, how to transfer those files to
your Phanta-your Phanta-
your Phanta-your Phanta-
your Phanta-
M usic?M usic?
M usic?M usic?
M usic?
z First, select the Phanta-M usic from the Program
Files item, the follow ing figure w ill appear
(show n as figure ).
Figure Description
Clear the currently M P3 files list .
Open the M P3 files.
Select all of the M P3 file.
Delete your M P3 files.
Chapter 3