Operating Instructions

Press the button0 or the buttonw to reset the seconds
display to .
Press the
buttonq to confirm your entry. (year display)
flashes on the time panel6.
Press the
button0 or the buttonw to set the desired value.
Press the buttonq to confirm your entry. The month display
flashes on the date panel8.
Press the button0 or the buttonw to set the desired value.
Press the
buttonq to confirm your entry. The day display
flashes on the date panel8.
Press the button0 or the buttonw to set the desired value.
Press the
buttonq to confirm your entry. The language selection
option flashes on the date panel8.
Press the button0 or the buttonw to set the desired
language. You can choose between English ( ), German ( ),
French ( ), Spanish ( ), Italian ( ), Dutch ( ), and Danish( ).
English ( ) is preset as the default language.
Press the buttonq to confirm your entry. (current tempera-
ture unit) flashes on the time panel6.
Press the
button0 or the buttonw to switch between
the temperature unit ( or ).
Press the buttonq to confirm your entry. (current DST
setting) flashes on the time panel6.
Press the
button0 or the buttonw to deactivate ( )
or activate ( ) the DST function.
Press the
buttonq to confirm your entry. The display will now
change back to basic mode.
IB_345564_AFT77B2_Funk-Temperaturstation_LB9.indb 20 10.09.20 15:34