User's Manual

Page 10
SVR-250 Service Manual
Alignment VHF
Before aligning the SVR-250, ensure that the mobile radio is aligned per the manufacturer’s service
procedure; Ensure that the SVR-250 is properly programmed and the jumpers are set per the previous section.
In order to properly align the SVR-250, you will need two service monitors and the mobile radio that the repeater
will be installed with. Refer to figure 1 for alignment points.
Dis-assemble the repeater by removing the two cap screws on the front panel; disconnect the front panel from
the main chassis by removing the 2 connectors. Remove the two cap screws from the rear panel and slide the main
circuit board out of the housing with the rear panel attached. Re-connect the front panel to the main PCB. Connect
one service monitor to the SVR-250 TNC jack and the other to the mobile antenna jack. Connect the cable from
the mobile radio to the SVR-250 (See figure 4 on page 16). Turn on the mobile and activate the SVR-250.
Adjust the repeater squelch control (RV9) so that the repeater COR led is off. Adjust the mobile so that the audio
is squelched.
SVR-250 VHF Transmitter
1. Transmitter Output: Push S3 and adjust RV10 for maximum. Confirm the SVR-250 RF Power out is at least
2W. Adjust RV10 for 250 mW.
2. Transmitter frequency: Adjust the TCXO on the Tx RF board for the transmit frequency.
3. Maximum deviation/lock tone deviation: If the SVR-250 is programmed for sub-audible encode, adjust RV6
(CTCSS) for minimum. Adjust RV8 (repeater deviation) for 80% deviation; adjust RV6 for total 95%
deviation (sub-audible and lock tone). If programmed for carrier squelch transmit adjust RV8 for 95%
deviation. Release S3.
4. Mobile COR: Measure the voltage at TP2 on the SVR-250 main PCB and record. Ensure the mobile COR
LED on the front panel is off. Set the mobile service monitor for the mobile receive frequency, 1mV RF output
and CTCSS modulation of 15% deviation. Measure the voltage again at TP2 and record. Ensure the mobile
COR LED on the front panel is on. The 2 voltages at TP2 must be at greater than 2.1VDC and less than 1.1
5. RX audio sensitivity/CTCSS deviation: Set the service monitor connected to the mobile for the mobile receive
frequency and 1mV RF output. Modulate the signal generator with a 1kHz tone at 60% deviation and CTCSS
tone at 15% deviation. Ensure that the SVR-250 mobile COR and repeater PTT LED’s are on. If the
SVR-250 is programmed for sub-audible encode adjust RV5 on the SVR-250 main board for 75% deviation,
adjust for 60% deviation if carrier squelch transmit, as read on the service monitor connected to the SVR-250.
Turn the RF output from the mobile service monitor off and ensure that the SVR-250 mobile COR and repeater
PTT LEDs are off.
6. Local mic repeat: If the SVR-250 is programmed for local mic repeat, key the mobile local mic and inject an
audio signal into the local mic to produce 60% deviation on the service monitor connected to the mobile.
Confirm that the SVR-250 repeater PTT LED is on; adjust RV2 for 60% deviation as read on the service
monitor connected to the SVR-250. Unkey the mobile radio.
7. RF power out: Press S3 and adjust RV10 for the operating power output. Release S3.