
SMS 7000 Release Notes 39
Hardware, Firmware, and Software Installation
Re-Install Amezi Mezzanine
This is to be used when upgrading SMS-64V Systems with Amezi Serial
Control only.
If your system uses an Amezi controller mezzanine board in position #2 of
the MCPU mezzanines, you have placed a temporary UART in the top
mezzanine slot of the MCPU to perform this update. Perform the following
to re-install the Amezi.
1. At the System Diagnostic Interface, enter the following commands:
SMS7000> del “console.ini”
SMS7000> del “slip.ini”
2. Verify that these files have been deleted using the dir command:
SMS7000> dir
3. Switchover to the redundant MCPU, if present:
SMS7000> switchmcpu
4. At the system diagnostic interface, enter the following commands:
SMS7000> del “slip.ini”
SMS7000> del “console.ini”
5. Remove the MCPU board(s) from the system
6. Remove the TOP UART mezzanine(s) and re-install the Amezi board
7. Insert the MCPU(s) in the compact frame
Native protocol automatically runs on the CTL port.
SLIP automatically runs on the CNFG/CTL port.
8. Run the PC GUI and configure the Amezi board
9. Connect the computer or equipment running native protocol to the
CTL port