Remote Monitoring Guide

STEP 5. You will need to enter certain
details in order to access your DVR.
You will most likely want to set up two
methods to connect to your system
- one for when you’re on the same
network (ie; within the same building
as the DVR and able to connect
wirelessly to your network) as well as
one for times when you’re away and
will be accessing using the Internet IP
DVR Title: This should be a
descriptive name, such as “DVR
Local” or “DVR Internet” to help you
utilize the proper connection method.
Server: Enter the LAN or Internet IP address as appropriate. If you set up a domain
name with, then you can enter that name for Internet connections.
Port: 37777.
User Name: admin (by default or use whatever user ID that you set in the DVR)
Password: admin (by default or whatever password you set in the DVR)
Channel amount: This can be the maximum number of channels that your DVR has,
but if your network connection is slow, you can reduce the number.