Remote Monitoring Guide

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STEP 3. Click on the Network icon in
the Settings Menu.
STEP 4. Ensure that the box labeled
“DHCP” is filled.
If it is not, please put a click on the
box so that it is filled in white. Click
on Save and then exit the window.
Reopen the window to see the
updated IP address.
STEP 5. Write down the:
1. DVR’s IP Address
2. Subnet Mask, and
3. Gateway (your Router’s address)
STEP 6. Exit Menu
To make your DVR accessible from outside of your local network, you have to “forward” ports
85 and 3777 through your router to your DVR’s IP address. The most preferred - and easiest -
method is UPnP. This is the method used by the Startup Wizard and for most users, the DVR
should connect automatically. If not, we offer some other methods which should work for the
majority of users. You will only need to use one of these methods - which are the same if you
are using a Macintosh or Windows PC. If you are unable to connect your DVR to the Internet
using any of these procedures, the likely cause is the presence of multiple routers on your
network. The solution is covered in Section 1.7 Resolving Connection Issues.
The QC series of DVRs come configured to take advantage of the latest networking
technology, UPnP or Universal Plug ‘n Play right out of the box. If you have an UPnP-enabled
router, you will only need to plug the DVR into your network and you will then be able to
proceed to the end of this section.
Consult your router’s manual to determine
whether it has UPnP or not. Please note that,
as of this writing, 2Wire brand routers do not
have the UPnP feature. If you do not have a
UPnP-enabled Router, you will have to utilize
another method to forward your ports.
If you wish to ensure that UPnP is turned
on in your DVR, go to the Network window
as described above, select UPnP on the
left and make sure that the Enabled box is
checked. If it is not checked, click on the box
to add the check, then click on Save before
exiting the window. When you reopen the
window, the box should be checked.
IMPORTANT! If you connect your system to your network using UPnP you
should NOT forward your ports as described later in this section as it will
create connectivity problems. You may skip to Confirming that Ports are
You may now proceed to Section 1.2 Opening Ports. However, if you are unable to obtain
an IP address from your router, please proceed to Section 1.3 Static IP.