Technical Manual

Scan Value 1
Scan setup start
Versatile scan Stop
Random scan Speed
Scan Value 1
Scan setup Begin
Versatile scan Stop
Random scan
Input value and then move cursor to highlight left limit. Or
you can use joystick to move camera to left limit and then click
Repeat procedure one to set right limit.
Move cursor to highlight speed. Input speed value and click
ENTER to confirm. Scan operation
Use up/down to highlight scan. Input scan value and click
ENTER to begin scanning.
Use left/right keys to highlight stop. Click ENTER to stop
Note: for versatile scan and random scan, you need
Corresponding protocols to support.
8.4.4 Tour Tour setup
Use up/down keys to highlight add to tour. Input value in tour
For example, here we want to add tour point 2 and 3 in tour
group 1.
Firstly, input 1 in tour group.
Secondly, input 2 to tour and then click ENTER. Now you
have added tour point 2 to tour group 1.
Thirdly, input 3 to tour and then click ENTER. Now you
have added tour point 3 to tour group 1.
You can repeat the above procedures to add more tour point. Tour operation
Please use up/down keys to highlight tour setup.
When cursor is before speed, you can input speed value.
Use left/right keys to highlight duration and then you can input
duration value.
Begin touring
Use up/down to highlight tour and then input value. Now you can
click ENTER to begin tour.
Stop touring
Move cursor to highlight stop and then click ENTER. Now you have
stopped touring Remove Remove tour
Tour setup Tour group1
Add to tour Tour
Remove tour
Tour Value 1
Tour setup Start
Add to tour Stop
Remove tour
Tour Value 1
Tour setup Speed
Add to tour Duration
Remove tour Remove tour group