Technical Manual

When you are using front panel, you can just control four directions:
3D intelligent positioning function is only active with mouse operation.
9.1.3 Preset Setup and Operation
For PELCO-P1/D1 user, you can operate scan/patter function. You can add
tour number via dome menu and recall via DVR menu.
For PELCO-P/D user, you can operate preset setup/recall and tour recall via
DVR PTZ menu. You need to operate scan setup/recall and tour setup via
dome menu. Setup
Preset setup interface is shown as in Figure 49.
Firstly, move the camera to the location you need.
Secondly, click preset button and then input corresponding value.
Finally, please click save button to save one preset. Operation
In Figure 47, click Page switch button. The image is shown in 错误!未找到引用
Please input corresponding value in NO. And then click preset.
Please refer to chapter 7.3 preset/patrol/pattern/border for detailed information.
You can use dome menu to add presets and use DVR menu to recall.
Figure 49 Preset setup
Click here
Input value here