User manual

My SQL Ma na ge m e nt
Install phpMyAdmin software and save the program files in the Web or Qweb share of the NAS. You can
change the folder name and connect to the database by entering the URL in the browser.
No te :
The default user name of MySQL is “root”. The password is “admin”. Please change your root
password immediately after logging in to the phpMyAdmin management interface.
SQLite Ma na g em e nt
Follow the steps below or refer to the INSTALL file in the downloaded SQLiteManager-*.tar.gz? to install
(1) Unpack the downloaded file SQLiteManager-*.tar.gz.
(2) Upload the unpacked folder SQLiteManager-* to \\NAS IP\Web\ or \\NASIP\Qweb.
(3) Open a web browser and go to http://NAS IP/SQLiteManager-*/.
?: The symbol “*” refers to the version number of SQLiteManager.