User manual

RSS Downlo a d Ma na ge r
You can use RSS Download Manager to create and manage filters to download particular torrent files
for BT Download.
1. To add a filter, click “Add”.
2. Enter the filter name and specify the keyword to include and exclude.
3. Select the RSS feed to apply the filter settings.
4. You may also specify the quality of the video torrent files (leave it as “All” if you do not need this
function or the torrent file is not a video).
5. Episode number: Select this option to specify particular episodes or a serial of episodes of a drama
work. For example, to download episodes 1-26 of season 1 of a TV program, enter 1x1-26. To
download only episode 1 of season 1, enter 1x1.
6. Select the time interval for automatic update of the RSS feeds. The NAS will update the RSS feeds
and check if any new contents that match the filters are available.
7. Click “Saveto save the filter or “Close” to cancel or exit.
8. To delete a filter, select the filter from the list and click “Delete”.
You can view the status of all BT download tasks by clicking “BT” on the left column.