User manual

Behaviour of the UPS feature of the NAS:
In case of power loss and power recovery, the events will be logged in the “System Event Logs”.
During a power loss, the NAS will wait for the specified time you enter in the “UPS Settings” before
powering off or entering auto-protection mode.
If the power restores before the end of the waiting time, the NAS will remain in operation and cancel its
power-off or auto-protection action.
Once the power restores:
If the NAS is in auto-protection mode, it will resume to normal operation.
If the NAS is powered off, it will remain off.
Diffe re nc e b e twe e n a uto -prote ctio n m o de a nd p owe r-o ff m o de
Mo de
A dv anta ge
Dis a dv a nta ge
Auto-protection mode
The NAS resumes after power
If the power outage lasts until the
UPS is turned off, the NAS may
suffer from abnormal shutdown.
Power-off mode
The NAS will be shut down properly.
The NAS will remain off after the
power recovery. Manual power on of
the NAS is required.
If the power restores after the NAS has been shut down and before the UPS device is powered off, you
may power on the NAS by Wake on LAN* (if your NAS and UPS device both support Wake on LAN and
Wake on LAN is enabled on the NAS).
*This feature is not supported by TS-110, TS-119, TS-210, TS-219, TS-219P, TS-410, TS-419P, TS-
410U, TS-419U, TS-112, TS-212, TS-412, TS-412U. Please visit for details.
If the power restores after both the NAS and the UPS have been shut down, the NAS will react
according to the settings in “System Administration” > “Power Management”.