Date: Jan 7
2020 Revision no.: 01
Page 12 of 22
irritant.(OECD TG 404)(Read across; aluminium oxide)
- Lithium carbonate;Lithane : In the skin irritation test using rabbits, the test material was not irritating.
(OECD Guideline 404, GLP)
- Copper : In test on skin irritation with rabbits, skin irritations were not observed. (OECD TG 404, GLP)
- Ethyl methyl carbonate : In the skin irritation test using rabbits, the test material was not irritating.
- Tricobalt tetraoxide : In a test with rabbits, this substance was not a skin irritating. (OECD TG 439,
- 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one : In the skin irritation test using rabbits, the test material was not classified.
(OECD Guideline 404, GLP)
- Polyethylene : No irritation was observed at the other two treated sites and no corrosive effects were
noted during the study using rabbits. The primary irritation index was calculated as 0.2 and
polyethylene was classified as a mild irritant.
- Carbonic acid diethyl ester : strong irritant.
- Lithium hexafluorophosphate(1-) : In the skin irritation test using human, the test material was
corrosive. (EU Method B.40, GLP)
- Butanedinitrile : In the skin irritation test using rabbits, the test material was not irritating. (OECD
Guideline 404)
- Carbon black : In test on skin irritation with rabbits, skin irritations were not observed. (OECD
Guideline 404)
- Fe : In test on skin irritation with rabbits, skin irritations were not observed.(Read across;
Fe3O4)(OECD TG 404, GLP)
- Nickel; Raney nickel : Industrial nickel dust causes nickel dermatitis.
- Manganese : In test on skin irritation with rabbits, skin irritations were not observed.(OECD TG 404,
Serious eye damage/ irritation :
- Cobalt hydroxide oxide : In the eye irritation test using rabbit, the test material was not
irritating.(OECD Guideline 405)
- Graphite : In the eye irritation test using rabbit, the test material was not irritating. (OECD Guideline
405, GLP)
- Aluminum : An eye irritation study of the aluminium oxide was performed in rabbits. No eye irritation/
corrosion effects were observed. (Read across; aluminium oxide)
- Lithium carbonate;Lithane : In the eye irritation test using rabbit, the test material was moderately
irritating. (OECD Guideline 405, GLP)
- Copper : In test on skin irritation with rabbits, skin irritations were not observed. (OECD TG 405, GLP)
- Ethyl methyl carbonate : In the eye irritation test using rabbit, the test material was not irritating. (GLP)
- Tricobalt tetraoxide : The test item Tricobalt tetraoxide did not cause permeability of the corneae
compared with the results of the negative control, but slight opacity effects. The calculated mean in
vitro score was 10.39 and therefore, the test item was classified as mild eye irritant.(OECD TG 437,
- 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one : In the eye irritation test using rabbit, the test material was moderately irritating.
(OECD Guideline 405, GLP)
- Polyethylene : Mild irritants were observed in eye irritation test with rabbits. (Score 11.7/110)
- Carbonic acid diethyl ester : strong irritant.
- Lithium hexafluorophosphate(1-) : In the eye irritation test using fertilised brown leghorn chicken
eggs, the test material was severely irritating. (GLP)
- Butanedinitrile : In the eye irritation test using rabbit, the test material was not irritating. (OECD
Guideline 405)
- Carbon black : In test on eyes irritation with rabbits, eyes irritations were snot observed. (OECD
Guideline 405)
- Fe : In test on eyes irritation with rabbits, eyes irritations were not observed.(Read across;
Fe3O4)(OECD TG 405, GLP)