User's Manual

Emergency Alarm
Under standby state, press and hold [PF1] key which is programmed with ALARM function until LCD
displays "ALARM", Emergency alarm function is started. This transceiver has 4 Alarm modes for optional,
can be setup in programming software. Power off transceiver to exit Alarm.
Side Key [PF1] function instruction
1. VOLT: Battery capacity inquiry: Under standby, press [PF1] key, LCD displays current battery capacity,
press this key again to exit.
2. CALL: Transmit the prestored DTMF/5TONE Encode signal in channel.
3. ALARM: Long pressing [PF1] key, LCD display "ALARM", transceiver will enable the preset alarm function.
4. SUBPTT: Press [PF1] key, transceiver will transmit at sub-band frequency.
5. Transmit tone pulse frequency: Press and hold [PTT] key, then press [PF1] key to transmit selected
tone pulse frequency.
NOTE: The tone pulse frequency can be set to 1750Hz, 1450Hz, 1000Hz or 2100Hz in Function menu No.28
it is not busy, press [PTT] key and talk to speaker.
Please keep the distance between mouth and speaker to be 2.5-5CM, speak in normal tone to get the
best acoustic delity.
NOTE: When press and hold PTT key, transceiver is transmitting if the red LED light is on, release [PTT]
key to receive calls.