User's Manual

FM Transceiver
talking lost. 0.5s-3s, total 26 levels for optional.
20.Scan Mod
SCM TO: When scan with a signal, stay at the channel 5s and resume scan
SCM CO: When scan with a signal, stay at the channel until the signal disappear, 2s later resume
SCM SE: When scan with a signal, exit the scan.
This function is only valid for the VFO scan.
21.Mic Level
Allow adjust the Microphone gain, level 1 is lowest, level 5 is highest.
22.DTMF Speed
Suitable DTMF encode speed will help the receiver decode successfully, 50~500ms for optional.
23.FM Radio
Turn on or off the FM radio.
24.FM Radio Moni
Radio Mon On: When FM radio is on, you can still receive or transmit on the channel.
Radio Mon Off: When FM radio is on, no allow to receive or transmit.
26.Start Up Pwd
On: Set up the password for start up. You need to input the password to power on the radio.
Off: No password is required for start up.