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AFastFabric Configuration Files
Signal Integrity Thresholds Configuration File
A-10 IB0054607-01 A
# alternative value is Greater
# Normal Data Movement
PortXmitData 0# as MB/second
PortRcvData 0# as MB/second
PortXmitPkts 0# as packets/second
PortRcvPkts 0# as packets/second
# Error Counters
SymbolErrorCounter 1
LinkErrorRecoveryCounter 1
LinkDownedCounter 1
PortRcvErrors 1
PortRcvRemotePhysicalErrors 0# side effect of errors elsewhere, ignore
PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors 0# not related to SI
PortXmitDiscards 0# not related to SI
PortXmitConstraintErrors 0# not related to SI
PortRcvConstraintErrors 0# not related to SI
LocalLinkIntegrityErrors 1
ExcessiveBufferOverrunErrors 1# can be side effect of SI
VL15Dropped 0 # expected to optimize SM sweep time