Technical information

B—Job 1
%%IncludeFeature:emulation(pcl5) install(6 20)
<ESC>)s#W<<download font header>><ESC>*c33E
<ESC>(s#W<<char 33 data>><ESC>*c34E
<ESC>(s#W<<char 34 data>>. <ESC>*c5F
B—Job 2
<ESC>(8U<ESC>(s1p12v0s0b4153This text will be
in the downloaded font, if it supports the ROMAN-8
symbol set, is proportionally spaced, 12 points in
height (or scalable), upright, medium weight, and has
type # 4153.
C—Job 1
%%IncludeFeature:emulation(pcl5) install(6 20 )
download font header
char 33 data
char 34 data
>>... <ESC>*c5F
C—Job 2
%%IncludeFeature:emulation(pcl5) install(6)
(20Xthis text is also in the downloaded font...)
Syntax %%IncludeFeature:remove(
resource id object id object
Purpose Removes an external object from the printer system.
Variables object type
Purpose Specifies the kind of objects that are to be deleted
from the specified printer system.
Range *, font, macro, pattern, or other object type
Default N/A
Format Character
Notes If
object type
is * or is not specified, then all objects
on the specified resource with the specified object id
are removed.