User Guide

# Action Field/Option Description
2 Edit Account
Email (optional) QTS sends a notfication to this email address when
the account password is about to expire.
You must configure the following settings:
SMTP Server: Go to Control Panel > System >
Notification > E-mail .
Change Password: Go to Control Panel >
System > Security .
If the SMTP Server and Change Password are not
configured, QTS does not use the information.
For details, see the QTS User Guide.
Phone number
The information is for your reference and is not used
by QTS.
Description (optional): The information is for your reference and is not used
by QTS.
Disallow the user to
change password
When selected, QTS prevents the user from
changing the password.
Disable this account When selected, the account can be disabled
immediately or on a specified date.
Quota When selected, QTS limits the amount of data that
each user can store on the NAS.
To enable this feature, go to Main Menu > Control
Panel > Privilege > Quota .
3 Edit User Group N/A User groups, along with user-level shared folder
permissions, determine which shared folders the
user will have access to.
QTS provides two default user groups.
Administrators: Users in this group can configure
settings, create users, and install applications.
Everyone: Users in this group can only view or
modify files.
4 Edit Shared Folder
N/A A shared folder can have any of the following access
RO (read-only): The user can read but not write
files in the shared folder.
RW (read/write): The user can read and write
files in the shared folder.
Deny: The user cannot read or write files in the
shared folder.
Group-level permissions may override
user-level permissions. For details, go
to Conflicts in Shared Folder
QTS 4.3.4 Getting Started Guide
Privilege 56