User Guide

Option Description
Show files and folders of my PC When enabled, File Station displays the local files
and folders on the computer.
This feature only supports Windows computers
and requires the installation of Java Runtime
Show hidden files on NAS When enabled, File Station displays files and
folders with the hidden attribute.
Allow all users to create shared links When enabled, File Station allows all users to
share NAS files using shared links.
Support multimedia playback and thumbnail
When enabled, File Station allows on-the-fly
transcoding and displays thumbnail previews of
multimedia files.
Always display the 360º panoramic view button on
the viewer
When enabled, File Station permanently displays
the 360º panoramic view button and allows users
to manually switch between the panorama and
general modes.
Show Network Recycle Bin(s) When enabled, File Station displays the
@Recycle folder in all user folders.
Only allow the admin and administrators group to
use "Share to NAS user"
When enabled, File Station prevents non-
administrators from sharing files with other NAS
Only allow the admin and administrators group to
permanently delete files
When enabled, File Station prevents non-
administrators from permanently deleting files.
Only allow the admin and administrators group to
use on-the-fly transcoding
When enabled, File Station prevents non-
administrators from using on-the-fly transcoding.
Always play videos using VLC media player Videos opened in File Station will be played in
VLC media player rather than Video Station.
To use this feature, you must install QVHelper and
VLC Player on your computer.
3. Click Close.
Modifying the Remote Mount Settings
1. Go to More settings > Settings .
The Options window appears.
2. Under Remote Mount, select one of the following.
admin only
administrators group only
specific users
3. Click Apply.
File Operations
File Station enables you to perform the following basic tasks.
QTS 4.3.4 Getting Started Guide
File Station 69