User Manual

Go to "Control Panel" > "Network & File Services" > "Win/Mac/NFS" to configure networking
In this chapter, the following topics are covered:
 Microsoft Networking
 Apple Networking
 NFS Service
Microsoft Networking
To allow access to the NAS on Microsoft Windows Network, enable file service for Microsoft
networking. Also specify how users will be authenticated.
Standalone Server
Use local users for authentication. The NAS will use local user account information (created
in "Privilege Settings" > "Users") to authenticate users who access the NAS.
Server Description (optional): Describe the NAS so that users can easily identify it on a
Microsoft Network.
Workgroup: Specify the workgroup to which the NAS belongs. A workgroup name
supports up to 15 characters but cannot contain: " + = / \ : | * ? < > ; [ ] % , `