User Manual

Note: To share files/folders using your own email account, your email account must be
set up in QTS Desktop > "Options" > "E-mail Account".
 To social networks: Enter the required fields (including the social network to share the file, post
message, domain name/IP and link name) choose to include SSL (https://) in the URL, and
optionally set an expiration time and password in "More settings".
 Create share links only (generate a link to provide on instant messengers or store for later use):
Complete required files (domain name/IP and link name), choose to include SSL (https://) in the
URL, and optionally set an expiration time and password in "More settings".
 To NAS users: Choose to share with new or existing NAS users.
o For new NAS users, fill out account details (username and password), choose to allocate the
quote, choose whether to send an email notification (and fill out message subject and content),
set domain name/IP, link name and password for the link, decide whether to include SSL
(https://) in the URL, and optionally set an expiration time and password in "More settings" .
Click "Preview" to preview the message or "Share Now".
o For existing users, select existing user account(s), choose whether to send a notification email
to the user (and fill out message subject and content), set domain name/IP, link name and
password for the link, decide whether to include SSL (https://) in the URL, and optionally set
an expiration time and password in "More settings" . Click "Preview" to preview the message or
"Share Now".
For folders, there will be an option "Allow file upload to this folder" in the dialog window for all four
sharing options. This feature is only for administrators and can allow link recipients to upload files to
the folder pointed to by the link.
For the "To NAS users" option, if you choose to share with new NAS users, the system will create new
user accounts. Also, the email recipients (or users you share files with) can check files shared in File
Station > "Share with me" on the left panel after they log into the NAS.
Sharing NAS space
Administrators can allocate space to NAS users and specify a storage quota in File Station by
following these steps:
1. Click "Create" (the "+" icon) on the Menu Bar > "Share space with a user".
2. Complete the required fields in the "Create a User" page.
3. Enable the quota feature and set the quota size in "Control Panel" > "Privilege Settings" > Quota"
if you have not already done so.
4. Specify the email (optional) and phone number (optional) for the user.
5. Choose to send an email notification to the newly-created user (optional), fill out the message
details (including mail server (from NAS or local computer), sender, recipient, subject, message,
domain name/IP and link name) and choose to include SSL (https://) in the URL.
6. Click "Create".