User Manual

Media Library and Privacy Settings
Photo and video files in Photo Station are listed and displayed according to shared folder privileges
and media folders settings in Media Library. Only users with permission to access shared folder can
view or edit its content in Photo Station. For example, if a user does not have read/write, or
read-only permissions to a certain shared folder, that user cannot see the photos and videos in the
shared folder.
For x86-based NAS models, all shared folders except "/recording" and "/web" are
media folders by default. For ARM-based NAS models, only "/multimedia" and
"/homes" are media folders by default. However, users can always add more media
In addition to shared folder privileges, you can also store private videos in your
"/home" shared folder to hide them from other NAS users (except the administrator.)
The content of the "/home" folder can be found under "Private Collection". Anyone
attempting to access this folder in Photo Station will be prompted for a password.
To create a shared folder, go to "Control Panel" > "Privilege Settings" > "Shared
Photos and videos stored in the shared folders are only visible after they are detected and scanned by
Media Library. To set Media Library to scan for photos and videos manually or by a schedule, go to
"Control Panel" > "Multimedia Management" > "Media Library". You can also set up media folders for
Photo Station in “Photo Station” > “Settings” > “Content Management”. Please note that this setting
will be synchronized with Multimedia Management. For more information about media folder settings,
please refer to the chapter on Multimedia Management.
As the media folders in Media Library are shared by Photo Station, Music Station,
Video Station and DLNA Media Server as their content source, related content will be
affected in those applications if new media folders are added or existing media folders are
removed from Media Library.