User Manual

HybridDesk Station
HybridDesk Station is a platform where numerous home and office apps can be installed to
enhance your entertainment and productivity needs.
This chapter covers the following topics:
Setting up HybridDesk Station
Using HybridDesk Station
Configuring HybridDesk Station
To check whether your model support HD Station, go to and
use “HD station” as a keyword to find the related information.
Setting up HybridDesk Station
Create your lovely media environment by following these steps:
Setting up the environment of the HybridDesk Station: Connect the NAS to the
HDMI TV with a HDMI cable
Remote controller: There are 4 different ways to control the HybridDesk Station.
QNAP remote controller
USB keyboard or mouse
Qremote: QNAP remote app, designed exclusively for the HybridDesk Station.