User Manual

NAS for Home - Easily enrich home entertainment and content sharing
Tons of photos, music, videos and documents are often scattered across multiple computers
in modern homes. QNAP NAS feature plenty of handy applications to let you smartly connect
and manage your data and enjoy a truly digital life in a well-secured home network. No
boundaries for multimedia sharing at home, and no boundaries for sharing content with
family, and friends. Learn more about the exciting features that a QNAP NAS offers you:
 Intuitive GUI with Multi-Windows, Multi-Tasking, Multi-Application, Multi-Device access support
 Cross platform data storage, backup and sharing center
 Revolutionary music, photo and home video center
 Personal cloud storage
 Free and large capacity for Dropbox-style data sync
 Hundreds of install-on-demand applications from the App Center
 Energy-efficient & eco-friendly
NAS for Business - Efficiently optimize business IT infrastructure
IT efficiency, coupled with low total cost of ownership (TCO) is an essential factor for business
competitiveness. QNAP NAS features advanced capabilities for keeping businesses running at
maximum efficiency including business-critical applications, seamless file sharing, easy integration into
existing networks, flexible virtualized IT environments, and more. Learn more about the compelling
features that a QNAP NAS offers your business:
 Large data storage, backup and file sharing center
 Supports both scale-up and scale-out solutions for growing data needs
 Advanced storage management with dynamic thin-provisioning, SSD caching and JBOD expansion
 Trustworthy data security and data encryption
 Reliable IP SAN storage (iSCSI) as primary and secondary storage for virtualization environments
 Private cloud storage
 Free and large capacity for Dropbox-style data sync
 Hundreds of install-on-demand applications from the App Center
 Development Center for third-party partners to build apps for the NAS