User's Manual

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QOMO HiteVision, LLC. QClick FCC ID: XQGQRF600-RE
QOMO HiteVision,LLC.
You can exit the engaged quiz session by pressing the ESC key on the PC keyboard or on the
instructor remote keypad, or by pressing the Exit button on the screen (using the PC or the
instructor’s remote mouse). The system will prompt you for saving the data to the system database,
when the completed session is exit.
Note: If the completed session data are not saved, they will be permanently lost.
Activity Modes
The QClick system has 8 activity modes: Normal Quiz, Paper Quiz, Homework, Rush Quiz,
Elimination, Multiple Mode, Survey, Vote, and Roll Call associated with no Free Style and 3
activity modes: Normal Quiz, Rush Quiz and Elimination associated with Free Style. The detail
description for each mode is as follow:
Normal Quiz:
In the Normal Quiz, a quiz file should be provided with the correct answer for each question
prior to starting the quiz. The quiz file is either in the Power Point format with the embedded
answers or in no Power Point format with the answer sheet file provided. The instructor controls the
pace of a question answering in a session. The question could be in the format of
standardized multiple-choice with one correct answer, or multiple choice with correct answer
more than one choices, or the answer in the format of cloze test or with a short answer in text.30
Paper Quiz:
A quiz file is not needed to be loaded to the system in Paper Quiz. The quiz questions are