User's Manual

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QOMO HiteVision, LLC. QClick FCC ID: XQGQRF600-RE
QOMO HiteVision,LLC.
displayed on the sheets of hardcopy paper. But the answer sheet associated with the paper quiz
should be loaded prior to starting the session. After the Paper Quiz is started, the instructor should
set up a time for the whole quiz in the timer window displayed on the bottom of tool bar. Registered
students will receive the quiz information in their keypad. The quiz title, quiz ID and question frame
are automatically received by the student keypads. The students need to hit the ‘T’ key to create the
paper quiz broadcast information into the keypad. It is ready for the students to start to answer the
questions in their keypad. The quiz pace is controlled by the individual participant. When the paper
quiz is finished by a student, he or she can directly submit the whole quiz answers without waiting
for the others.
The Homework activity is used for the instructor to send the homework question frames to the
student keypads for students to take home to finish and also used to collect the homework answers
by receiving the answers from the student keypad. The answers either embedded in the Power
Point file or from the answer sheet file should be loaded prior to starting the homework session. The
homework title from the answer sheet file name or from the Power Point file name and the test ID
created by the system or set up in the Title window (refer to session 1.1.5 Title) are used for the
system tracking of the reports in the database and also used in the student keypad homework
searching. There is no time limit for the Homework activity.
Note: Homework Mode is either running in the state of assigning (Sending) or in the state of
receiving. When the engaged homework session is running but before the Start button is pressed
or pressed again, the homework session stays in the state of assigning (Sending Homework).
Pressing the Start button will trigger Homework mode switching from the state of assigning
(Sending Homework) to the state of Receiving.
Rush Quiz:
This mode is similar to the normal mode. Except that the first audience member who presses any
effective “Rush Quiz” buttons gets the power to answer the question in a given time. If the answer is
right, the audience will get the credit point. If wrong, he or she will get the negative credit point.
This mode is similar to the normal mode. Except that the audience members who answer the
question correctly in the previous question have permission to enter the next round of question
answering, the loser is eliminated by the system automatically.