User's Manual

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Under the “SetChannel” screen, enter a valid channel number.
(3) Login to the last same channel class:
To login to the last same channel class, follow these steps:
Under the NoHost screen, press the Start Key
or Right Key to directly log into the class
you had last logged into if the channel is not changed. The name of the class, the teacher’s name
and the channel number will be displayed on the LCD screen.
After logging in, the following information will be displayed on the instructor keypad screen:
The selected activity mode
The selected class name
The instructor name
The number of registered student over the number of total students in the class. Functions after login:
The following functions are available once the Instructor keypad is logged in:
λ The displayed PowerPoint slides can be selected up or down by pressing the Slide Up
Key or Slide Down Key .
λ An exam can be started, paused, or stopped by pressing the Start/Pause Key
Stop Key .
λ Exit an exam by pressing the ESC Key
λ View the statistics histogram of the current question answering or an instant report about
the answering by pressing the Result Key or Report Key .
λ View an individual student’s exam performance in the keypad screen.
1. Press the View Key
to view a list of the students, and then use the Up Key or
Down Key
to scroll through the list of students and then press the Menu/OK Key to
select the desired student.