User's Manual

Copyright © 2009 All Rights Reserved by QOMO HiteVision.
4. The session name, class and teacher name for the selected session are displayed on the
top of the window. The list of students in the class is displayed in the Student List window
and all of the available report formats are displayed in the Report Format window.
5. Select the student(s) by checking the box in front of each student name or by clicking the
Select All check box to select all students.
6. Select the report formats desired from the list in the Report Format window by checking
one of them. The item selected will be highlighted.
7. You can double click the report format you select or click the Preview button to preview
the report contents.
From the report preview window, you can directly print the preview report to a local or network
printer. To print the preview report, follow these steps:
1. Click the printer icon
on the menu bar at the top of the Create Report window. The
printer selection window will be displayed.
2. Choose the printer from the list and click the Print button or click the Cancel button to
cancel the printing.