Owner's Manual

How to Contact QSC Audio Products, LLC
Cómo comunicarse con QSC Audio Products, LLC
Comment prendre contact avec QSC Audio Products, LLC
Kontaktinformationen für QSC Audio Prodcuts, LLC
QSC Audio Products, LLC
Mailing Address: QSC Audio Products, LLC
1675 MacArthur Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1468 USA
Telephone Numbers:
Main Number (714) 754-6175
Sales & Marketing (714) 957-7100 or toll free (USA Only) (800) 854-4079
Customer Service (714) 957-7100 or toll free (USA Only) (800) 772-2834
Facsimile Numbers:
Sales & Marketing FAX (714) 754-6174
Customer Service FAX (714) 754-6173
World Wide Web: www.qscaudio.com
E-mail: info@qscaudio.com
QSC Audio Products, LLC 1675 MacArthur Boulevard Costa Mesa, California 92626 USA
©2009, “QSC” and the QSC logo are registered with the U.S. patent and Trademark Office.