
Revision 2.4 WebRelay-Quad™
Users Manual
2.4.2 Network Setup Page
The network parameters are changed on this page. Note that if multiple WebRelay-Quad™ units
are used on the same network, install one unit at a time and set the IP address of each unit before
connecting the next unit to the network. This avoids having multiple WebRelay-Quad™ units
installed on the network with the same factory default IP address at the same time. It may be
necessary to clear the arp cache each time you swap WebRelay-Quad™
units on the network (this
is because each unit has the same default IP address but different mac address). This is done by
typing arp -d in the command prompt of a Windows computer (arp -d -a as super user on Apple
OSX). Also note that the unit must be power-cycled (power disconnected, then reconnected)
before network settings take effect. No other setup page requires power-cycling for the settings
take effect.
IP Address
WebRelay-Quad™ requires a static IP address. This is a unique address that identifies
WebRelay-Quad™ on the network. Dynamic IP address assignment is not supported. The
lack of dynamic IP addressing support is intentional because a dynamically changing the IP
address would make it difficult for a client to access the web server built into WebRelay-
Quad™. The IP address is specific to the network where WebRelay-Quad™ will be installed,
and must be obtained from the network administrator.
This guide is not meant to be a tutorial on IP addressing, however a few comments about IP
addressing are given here.
Xytronix Research & Design, Inc. page 21