User's Manual

QTI Page 11 of 15 Revision: D
Form #: 30Z0250 Effective Date: 1 August 2010
NEW cont
Poll for a new message: NEW<CR>
Returns: RXM TT III SS R<CR>
If no new message Returns: RXM<CR>
Mark message as read: NEW 1<CR>
Returns: NEW 1 OK<CR>
PSH… Get/Set to push new messages out the serial port. [1 = DEFAULT]
Z = 2; ON (Pushes <CR><CR> prior to sending the new message) Version 0.2.8.A and above.
Z = 1: ON (New messages pushed out the serial port when received)
Z = 0; OFF (Master must poll for new messages – Receiver sends RS485 ID on receipt of new
message when in power-down mode).
Get PUSH mode: PSH<CR>
Returns: PSH Z<CR>
Set PUSH mode: PSH Z<CR>
Returns: PSH Z OK<CR>
Invalid returns: PSH Z ERR<CR>
PWR… Get/Set the transmitter power level. [1 = DEFAULT]
Z = 1: One watt transmit power
Z = 2: Two watt transmit power
Get power level: PWR<CR>
Returns: PWR Z<CR>
Set power level: PWR Z<CR>
Returns: PWR Z OK<CR>
Invalid returns: PWR Z ERR<CR>
RCV…Get/Set receive mode. [1 = DEFAULT]
Z = 1: ON (receiver enabled); CAUTION: If no receiver has been installed, the receiver should
be disabled to conserve power.
Z = 0: OFF (receiver disabled)
Get receive mode: RCV<CR>
Returns: RCV Z<CR>
Set receive mode: RCV Z<CR>
Returns: RCV Z OK<CR>
Invalid returns: RCV Z ERR<CR>
RSS… Get the receive signal strength indicator (RSSI). Returns a positive decimal number (0-9),
where higher numbers indicate stronger signal. 6+ is good signal strength.
Note: This command immediately reads the RSSI value, which is useful to determine if a
frequency is being used or jammed. The “MSG” command appends the RSSI value that
occurred while receiving the message, which is useful in site selection and deployment.
Returns: RSS R<CR>