User's Manual Part 1

Task tray icon menu: Launching an ad hoc profile and applying a profile from the
task tray menu is not available.
Notify when Windows XP Zero Configuration is enabled:
Check: If the box is checked, when Intel(R) PROSet for Wireless starts up, a message
dialog displays "Windows XP is managing your profiles" if Windows XP Zero
Configuration is enabled, indicating that Windows XP is currently configured to manage
the wireless adapter. Do you wish to disable Windows XP management and let Intel(R)
PROSet for Wireless manage your wireless network?
Select Yes - Intel(R) PROSet for Wireless will manage the wireless adapter.
Select No - Windows XP will manage the wireless adapter.
Clear: If the box is cleared, when Intel(R) PROSet for Wireless starts up, you will not be
notified in the event that Windows XP Zero Configuration wireless manager is enabled.
Enable Profile Management Features: If the box is checked, it indicates that Intel(R)
PROSet for Wireless is configured to manage your wireless adapter. If cleared, Windows
XP is the wireless network manager.
Intel(R) PROSet for Wireless Configuration Service
The Configuration Service feature operates in background to automatically display
available networks not listed in the Profile List. This method provides automatic
connection in a 2.4 environment to available networks in the range of your wireless
adapter. The Configuration Service constantly monitors your wireless adapter's
connection status. If no matching
profiles are found in the Profile List for a network, a
dialog automatically displays the available network access points and computers (ad hoc
mode) within range of the wireless adapter. The Configuration Service can also be used
if there is more than one wireless adapter installed using 802.11b band.
The Configuration Service features:
The Configuration Service is launched when you log on to your computer.
No active profile switching will be performed. Once the adapter is associated with