Operator's Guide

xiv ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Warning: Warnings indicate potential hazards to personal safety and
are included to prevent injury
This manual uses the following:
Right side of the library — Refers to the right side as you face the
component being described.
Left side of the library — Refers to the left side as you face the
component being described.
b — All binary numbers are succeeded by “b.”
h — All hexadecimal numbers are succeeded by “h.”
Error or attention conditions are represented in parenthesis that
translate as follows:
S — hexadecimal sense key value
AA — hexadecimal additional sense code
QQ — hexadecimal additional sense code qualifier
Related Documents
Documents related to the ACL 4/52 are shown below:
ACL 4/52 Documentation
Document Title Document Description
6211221 ACL 4/52 Facilities
Planning and
Installation Guide
This guide describes facility
preparation and provides the
procedures for first-time
installation of the library.
6211224 ACL 4/52 Diagnostic
Software User’s
This manual provides
procedures for installing and
using the ACL 4/52
Diagnostic Software.
6211225 ACL 4/52 Software
Interface Guide
This guide is for software
engineers and programmers
developing applications that
control the ACL 4/52 library.