Installation guide

Configuring Your IP4700 Device for Use with Backup Software
Configuring Legato NetWorker Backup Software
auto clean: Yes
default cleanings: 20
cleaning slots: 30
Make sure that the slots set aside for cleaning
cartridges contain cleaning cartridges. NetWorker
must know the number of times it can use each
cleaning cartridge. You can control how many times
NetWorker will use each cleaning cartridge by using
the command:
nsrjb -U (number of uses) -S (slot number)
For more details please refer to nsrjb man pages.
Following are attributes that define the cleaning
schedule for each device in the jukebox.
name: rd=dakota11-2a:/dev/c0b0t2d0
date last cleaned:
cleaning interval: 2 weeks
cleaning required: No
name: rd=dakota11-2a:/dev/c0b0t3d0
date last cleaned:
cleaning interval: 2 weeks
cleaning required: No
name: rd=dakota11-2a:/dev/c0b0t4d0
date last cleaned:
cleaning interval: 2 weeks
cleaning required: No
name: rd=dakota11-2a:/dev/c0b0t5d0
date last cleaned:
cleaning interval: 2 weeks
cleaning required: No
Slot number
Cleaning tape
(20 uses left)