User`s guide

Chapter 2 Operation 13
4. Gently push the handle closed.
The Operate Handle LED turns off and the Tape In Use LED blinks to show the tape
is loading. When the tape is loaded, the Tape In Use LED turns on steadily. The tape
is now ready for use.
To Unload a Tape Cartridge From the Tape Drive
FIGURE 2-4 Unloading a Tape Cartridge
Caution Remove a tape cartridge from the drive before turning off the host
system power. Failure to remove a tape cartridge can result in cartridge and drive
1. Press the Unload button (
FIGURE 2-1).
The Tape In Use LED blinks as the tape rewinds. This may take between 17 seconds
and two minutes.
2. When the Operate Handle LED turns on, pull the cartridge insert/release handle
open to eject the cartridge.