User`s guide

Appendix B Specifications 25
Timing Specifications
Tape Cartridge Specifications
TABLE B-4 Timing Specifications
Specification Value
Read/Write tape speed 4267 mm/sec 168 in./sec
Rewind tape speed 4445 mm/sec 175 in./sec
Linear search tape speed 4445 mm/sec 175 in./sec
Rewind times
Average 1 min
Maximum 2 min
Access times (from BOT)
Average 1 min
Maximum 2 min
Load to BOT (previously written) 37 sec
Unload from BOT 17 sec
1. The time is slightly longer if you are using a blank tape.
Tape Cartridge Specifications
Type Length Native Capacity Compressed Capacity
III 356m (1167 ft) 10 Gbytes 20 Gbytes
IIIxt 541m (1778 ft) 15 Gbytes 30 Gbytes
IV 541m (1778 ft) 35/40 Gbytes 70/80 Gbytes
1. Assumes a typical compression ratio of 2:1. The compression ratio may vary depending upon the type of
data being compressed.