User's Manual

Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Overview
The SNFS Home Page
StorNext User’s Guide 31
#Store Candidates: Number of files selected for storage to secondary
media. This field does not apply to SNFS-only configurations.
#Trunc Candidates: Number of files that haves been stored and
meets the criteria to become a truncation candidate
# Clients: The number of StorNext clients (connected via fibre
channel or iSCSI) for which you are licensed
# Distributed LAN Clients: The number of StorNext distributed
LAN clients for which you are licensed. For more information about
distributed LAN clients, see About
Distributed LAN Clients on
page 2.
Status: The status shows the system status (usage) in percentage.
Drop-down Menus and
Options 3
The following drop-down menus are located in the grey bar towards the
top of the home page and are used to access SNFS configuration,
administration, and reporting options:
The Config Menu
The Admin Menu
The Reports Menu
The Help Menu
Figure 15 File System Menus
The Config Menu 3
The following Config menu options enable you to add and modify file
File Systems: Add or delete a file system
Globals: Modify global settings
Disks: Add or delete a disk to a file system