
GV300 @Track Air Interface Protocol
Output Active 1 0|1
Duration <=3 0255(×100ms) 0
Toggle Times <=3 0255 0
Sync with FRI 1 0|1 0
Reserved 0
Reserved 0
Reserved 0
Reserved 0
Reserved 0
Reserved 0
Serial Number 4 0000FFFF
Tail Character 1 $ $
<Analog Input ID 1
2>: The analog input port ID.
<Mode>: Working mode of the analog input alarm (+RESP :GTAIS).
z 0: Disable analog input alarm.
z 1: Enable analog input alarm. If the current input voltage is within the range of (<Min
Threshold>, <Max Threshold>), the alarm will be triggered.
z 2: Enable analog input alarm. If the current input voltage is outside the range of
(<Min Threshold>, <Max Threshold>), the alarm will be triggered.
<Min Threshold>: The lower limit to the voltage of the analog input port to trigger the
<Max Threshold>: The upper limit to the voltage of the analog input port to trigger the
<Sample Rate>: The sampling period of the analog input port.
<Output ID>: Specify the ID of the output port (1 to 3) to output specified wave shape when
the analog input alarm is triggered. If set to 0, no output wave.
Output Active>: set the final status of the output port.
z 0: Disable status.
z 1: Enable status.
Toggle Times>: The times of the square-wave.
<Sync with FRI>: The device can send the analog input voltage periodically along with fixed
report message. Set this field to 1 to enable it, 0 to disable.
The acknowledgment message of AT+GTAIS command:
TRACGV300AN002 30