
MF1S50YYX All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3.0 — 2 May 2011
196330 13 of 39
NXP Semiconductors
MIFARE Classic 1K - Mainstream contactless smart card IC
8.7.2 Access conditions for the sector trailer
Depending on the access bits for the sector trailer (block 3) the read/write access to the
keys and the access bits is specified as ‘never’, ‘key A’, ‘key B’ or key A|B’ (key A or
key B).
On chip delivery the access conditions for the sector trailers and key A are predefined as
transport configuration. Since key B may be read in the transport configuration, new cards
must be authenticated with key A. Since the access bits themselves can also be blocked,
special care has to be taken during the personalization of cards.
[1] For this access condition key B is readable and may be used for data
Table 7. Access conditions for the sector trailer
Access bits Access condition for Remark
KEYA Access bits KEYB
C1 C2 C3 read write read write read write
0 0 0 never key A key A never key A key A Key B may be read
0 1 0 never never key A never key A never Key B may be read
1 0 0 never key B key A|B never never key B
1 1 0 never never key A|B never never never
0 0 1 never key A key A key A key A key A Key B may be read,
transport configuration
0 1 1 never key B key A|B key B never key B
1 0 1 never never key A|B key B never never
1 1 1 never never key A|B never never never