
MF1S50YYX All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3.0 — 2 May 2011
196330 15 of 39
NXP Semiconductors
MIFARE Classic 1K - Mainstream contactless smart card IC
9. Command overview
The MIFARE Classic card activation follows the ISO/IEC 14443 Type A. After the
MIFARE Classic card has been selected, it can either be deactivated using the
ISO/IEC 14443 Halt command, or the MIFARE Classic commands can be performed. For
more details about the card activation refer to Ref. 4
9.1 MIFARE Classic command overview
All MIFARE Classic commands use the MIFARE CRYPTO1 and require an
All available commands for the MIFARE Classic are shown in Table 9
All commands use the coding and framing as described in Ref. 3 and Ref. 4 if not
otherwise specified.
9.2 Timings
The timing shown in this document are not to scale and values are rounded to 1 μs.
All given times refer to the data frames including start of communication and end of
communication, but do not include the encoding (like the Miller pulses).
Consequently a data frame sent by the PCD contains the start of communication (1
“start bit”) and the end of communication (one logic 0 + 1 bit length of unmodulated
A data frame sent by the PICC contains the start of communication (1 “start bit”) and the
end of communication (1 bit length of no subcarrier).
Table 9. Command overview
Command ISO/IEC 14443 Command code
Request REQA 26h (7 bit)
Wake-up WUPA 52h (7 bit)
Anticollision CL1 Anticollision CL1 93h 20h
Select CL1 Select CL1 93h 70h
Anticollision CL2 Anticollision CL2 95h 20h
Select CL2 Select CL2 95h 70h
Halt Halt 50h 00h
Authentication with Key A - 60h
Authentication with Key B - 61h
Personalize UID Usage - 40h
MIFARE Read - 30h
MIFARE Write - A0h
MIFARE Decrement - C0h
MIFARE Increment - C1h
MIFARE Restore - C2h
MIFARE Transfer - B0h