Owner`s manual

Quickie SALSA 11
4.21.1 Gradients: ascents
When going uphill, keep the chair moving. Steer by
moving the joystick from side to side. If you have stopped on a
hill, you should start slowly. If necessary lean forward to prevent
the tendency for the front wheels to lift.
4.21.2 Gradients: descents
On descents, it is important not to let the wheelchair accelerate
beyond its normal level of ground speed. In fact, it is safer to
proceed slowly down steep descents (below the speed of 5kph)
and stop, if any anxiety arises regarding directional control. If
the chair picks up speed, centre the control to slow it or to stop
all forward movement, then restart slowly and do not allow the
speed to increase. The solid state controller has the benefit of
a logic system that will help compensate when driving along
a camber or up a hill. This is an added safety feature on your
wheelchair. In addition of course, you may control the wheelchair
speed by using the speed control.
4.22 Using a vehicle mounted passenger lift
Wheelchair lifts are used in vans, buses and buildings to
help you move from one level to another. Ensure that the user
and all carers fully understand the lift manufacturer’s instructions
for using the passenger lift.
Never exceed the lift manufacturer’s recommended safe working
load and load distribution guidance.
Always turn off all power when you are on the lift. If you fail to do
so, you may touch the joystick by accident and cause your chair
to drive off the platform. Be aware that a rollstop at the end of
the platform may not prevent this.
Always position the user securely in the chair to help avoid falls
while on the lift. Always ensure the chair is in drive mode when
using passenger lift (wheels locked not in freewheel mode).
4.23 Creep mode
Please ensure your backrest recline angle relative to floor
level, which is a combination of the back recline itself and the
tilt angle, does not exceed 1 to drive the chair safely. If the
tilt angle exceeds 9° the chair will the chair will automatically
convert into “creep mode” which will allow you a maximum of
10% of the speed programmed in the profile.
WARNING - If you have a manual recline backrest on your
wheelchair, please be aware that there will be no feedback
system to the controller that tells it that the seat is in a reclined
position. If you recline your backrest and attempt to drive, it will
not go into ‘creep mode’, it will instead drive at full speed. This is
especially dangerous when attempting to drive up a slope.
4.24 Stability of your wheelchair
Please follow the user instructions in this manual
regarding the use of seat lift and tilt modules and the use
of your chair on a slope, other variables can affect your chair
stability, including:
- Movement of the user
- Effects of the addition of accessories or other equipment
- Inappropriate adjustments or modifications to the wheelchair
In some cases these issues are further compounded by the
effects of the local environment such as:
- Hills, Slopes, Ramps, Sloping pavements, Dropped kerbs.
Furthermore different body proportions of a wheelchair user
affect stability for example:
- Lower limb wasting or amputation, Obesity
- Increased upper torso mass, Upper torso height
The power Tilt and power Lift/Tilt modules are factory tted
for optimum stability and for conformance to strict standard
requirements. Changing the tted position of the module can
reduce the stability of the product, therefore do not change this
4.25 Wheels
Always use the pump that is supplied with the chair,
Never use a forecourt pump.
Inspect all tyres regularly for signs of wear.
Do not drive over anything that could cause punctures in the
Ensure that there are no objects in your path that could possibly
become lodged in your chair mechanism or in the spokes of the
rear wheels. This could cause the chair to come to a sudden
Riding over drains or grids could cause the wheelchair castors
or wheels to become lodged, causing the chair to come to a
sudden stop.
Always maintain the correct pressure for the tyre. These are
listed in section 12 of this manual.
Pneumatic Tyres with OKO uid.
The OKO fluid is only meant as a temporary repair to the tyre. It
must be replaced or repaired as soon as possible.
The OKO fluid is classified as non hazardous but may cause
irritation to the skin with prolonged contact.
4.26 Rear view mirror
To avoid injury to people around you please be aware that the
mirror protudes outside the space envelope of the chair and
could cause injury to someone when driving past.
The mirror must be used on the 10KPH model on UK roads.
Always make sure that when using the mirror that it is clean and
unbroken so that it does not impair your visibility.
4.27 Crutch holder
Make sure that the crutch is securely fastened to the
crutch holder.
Make sure that the crutch is not interfering with the mechanisms
of the chair.
Make sure that the crutch does not protrude from the chair.
Do not attempt to remove the crutch whilst the chair is in motion.
Always come to a complete stop and turn off the power to the
controls before attempting to remove the crutch. This will avoid
accidentally operating the chair.
4.28 Lights and indicators
Ensure that the lights and indicators are functioning
correctly and lenses are clean before going outdoors at
night. Light assemblies can become very hot - Care must
be taken if removing them for repair.
4.29 Swing away tray
The maximum weight allowed for the tray is 2.5kg.
Do not overload the tray, this could cause the tray to break
or could cause the chair to become unstable.
Do not leave lit cigarettes or other heat sources on the tray as
this could cause the tray to deform and mark.
Ensure that all extremities and clothing are free when positioning
the tray for use.
4.29.1 Seat stay
A seat stay is provided on your powerchair to provide access for
service and maintenance. (see section 10 for additional info)
WARNING - do not move the wheelchair with the seat stay in
place and make sure you are on flat stable ground. Make sure
that the plastic cap is securely fitted over the seat height tube.
First Aid measures for OKO fluid
Skin - Wash skin with plenty of water
Eyes - Immediately flood the eye with plenty of water for at
least 5 minutes holding the eye open.
Ingestion - Drink lots of water - Seek medical attention