User Manual

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Series 6.0 Software (0510-1065-A) - User Guide 93
Event Types
Transfer to Expire
This alarm occurs when the time allowed for a patient to be transferred will expire in 15-minutes (if the allotted
time was configured for greater than 15-minutes) and the alarming band transmitter, in the Transfer mode, has
not been moved from one protected area to another.
To respond to a Transfer to Expire
1. Determine the location of the patient.
2. If the patient is secure and will not be transferred to a protected area soon, clear the Transfer to Expire
alarm and reset the duration time for the Transfer.
3. If the patient has not yet been moved, clear the Transfer to Expire alarm and cancel the Transfer.
Transfer Expired
This alarm occurs when the selected amount of time required for a patient to be transferred has expired and the
alarming band transmitter, in the Transfer mode, has not reached its destination.
To respond to a Transfer Expired Alarm
1. Determine the location of the patient.
2. From the Client computer, click anywhere in the Transfer Expired Alarm Message Box to access the
Event Information window.
3. Select one of the following event causes:
Patient Delayedthe patient was delayed and needs more time for the transfer.
Failed to Start—the Transfer was never started; or the patient was never transferred.
Tr a n s f er C o m pl e te d —the patient was successfully transferred to the destination.
Tes t —the system was being tested.
Other—opens a Clear Reason window, user must enter the cause in this window.
You cannot clear an event until you select the appropriate cause for the event.
4. If the patient has not yet been transferred, perform the Transfer function again.
If the patient has not yet been moved, the system continues to assist staff in monitoring the patient.