User's Manual

The Seeker Mobile Locating System is an asset tracking system utilizing a
mobile reader to allow remote reading of RFID tags. The Seeker mobile reader
consists of a Pocket PC with a custom receiver card installed. The mobile reader is
used to “search” an area for “tags” which are attached to various resources. The
reader can find an individual tag, or search for all tags with a specific department id.
When a tag is within range of the mobile reader an audible beep and light can be
generated by the tag so a user can locate the equipment within the area being
searched. The beep and light features can be disabled if desired.
A local database in the mobile reader creates associations between the
resources and the tags. When a tag is found the mobile reader will display the
department id, tag id, resource name, description and the signal strength which
provides an estimated distance from reader to tag.
A picture of the resource can also be associated with the tag
information.The Seeker Mobile Locating System can be combined with the PinPoint
Mobile Resource Manager software to provide extended visibility to the data
captured through the reader. Information from the mobile reader can be uploaded to
the PinPoint databases and then viewed by PinPoint applications. Additionally,
utilization and location reports can be generated using captured data from the
mobile reader.
System Overview
Additional Settings
You can specify the polling threshold value, the communications port, and the
locations ruleset from this window.
Threshold – Indicates the minimum signal strength required for a tag to be displayed
in the tag list.
Demo – When in demo mode each
Find operation will return a tag in the
tag list. This can be used for training
and demonstration purposes. Tags
returned are always in department
Comm Port – In cases were the
application does not automatically
discover the compact flash receiver
card the comm port can be manually
Ruleset – Select the ruleset to be
used to retrieve locations from the
PinPoint Configurator Service. Once
selected the user must perform
another download to retrieve the
Use Resource Name – When
selected the Find Tags window will
display the Resource name box instead of the department and tag boxes. Resource
Names come from the local offline tags database created by the tag Entry window.
Clear History – Clears the local storage History table by deleting all of its entries.
Should be performed when record retrieval becomes slow during history views.
Export History – Creates a CSV file of the current history data. Displays a File
Save Dialog window.
Uses for the System include
* Locate misplaced equipment
* Remotely identify inventory
* Find equipment scheduled for maintenance
* Remote inventory of valuable assets
Special Features include
* User-programmable RFID tags
* Compact size
* 0-100ft range through walls, up to 500ft in “clear air”
* Tag beeper and light helps physically locate equipment
* Down-loadable data to host using sync cradle