User's Manual

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User Manual
Rev. 2.0 - 26/06/19
4.4 Rear Panel Description
[1] PLUG VDE plug for mains supply.
[2] FAN Fan for the forced ventilation of the exciter.
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[4] PHASE ADJ Pilot tone phase adjustment trimmer.Pilot tone phase adjustment trimmer..
[5] PILOT LVL BNC output for the pilot tone. This can be used for externalBNC output for the pilot tone. This can be used for external
devices (e.g. RDS coders) synchronization..
[6] MODE/MPX IMP Dip-switch to set the operation mode (STEREO or MONO)Dip-switch to set the operation mode (STEREO or MONO)
[7] SCA 1/RDS BNC connector, SCA 1/RDS unbalanced input.BNC connector, SCA 1/RDS unbalanced input..
[8] MPX BNC connector, MPX unbalanced input.BNC connector, MPX unbalanced input..
[9] MPX ADJ Adjustment trimmer for MPX input.Adjustment trimmer for MPX input..
[10] SCA 1/RDS ADJ Adjustment trimmer for SCA 1/RDS input.Adjustment trimmer for SCA 1/RDS input..
[11] RIGHT ADJ Adjustment trimmer for the Right channel input.Adjustment trimmer for the Right channel input.
[12] RIGHT XLR connector, balanced Right channel input.XLR connector, balanced Right channel input..
[13] TOSLINK Not used.
[14] ADJ R Not used.
[15] ADJ L Not used.
[16] SLOT Not used.
[17] SERVICE/RDS DB9 connector for interconnection with other devices and for
factory parameters programming.
[18] 24VDC IN External 24Vdc supply input. Positive (red).
[19] FUSE BLOCK Fuse carrier.Use a screwdriver to access the fuse.
[20] R.F. TEST POINT RF test output, approx. 20 dBm wrt the RF output powerRF test output, approx. 20 dBm wrt the RF output power
[21] CARRIER FREQ. ADJ Fine adjustment trimmer for the carrier frequency.
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preenphasys setting is relevant only for the Left and Right
inputs in stereo mode and for the mono input in mono mode,
while MPX input is unaffected by this setting..
[23] 19KHZ PILOT OUT BNC output for the 19 kHz pilot tone. This can be used forBNC output for the 19 kHz pilot tone. This can be used for
external devices (e.g. RDS coders) synchronization..
[24] SCA 2 BNC connector, SCA2 unbalanced input.BNC connector, SCA2 unbalanced input..
[25] SCA2 ADJ Adjustment trimmer for SCA2 input.Adjustment trimmer for SCA2 input..
[26] LEFT/MONO ADJ Adjustment trimmer for LEFT/MONO channel input.Adjustment trimmer for LEFT/MONO channel input.LEFT/MONO channel input. channel input..
[27] LEFT/MONO XLR connector, balanced LEFT/MONO channel input.XLR connector, balanced LEFT/MONO channel input.LEFT/MONO channel input. channel input..
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[29] AES/EBU Not used.
[30] INTERLOCK IN Interlock input BNC connector: the transmitter is forced in
stand-by mode by grounding the central conductor.