User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Informational note
Filter network
List box {Off; Match; Not match}, default = "Off"
Selects a method of the routing rule destination range comparison.
Network IP / Network mask
IP address, default =
IP address and mask defines the network prefix to be compared
Mask from
Number {0 32}, default = 0
Mask to
Number {0 32}, default = 32
Definition of the enabled range of the mask length of the processed routing rule.
Filter protocol
List box {Off; Match; Not match}, default = "Off"
Selects the way how the routing rule source protocol is compared.
List box {System; OSPF}, default = "System"
Selection of the protocol origin. "System" stands for rules from the ordinary routing table. "OSPF"
stands for rules from the OSPF protocol.
Filter OSPF source
List box {Off; Match; Not match}, default = "Off"
Selects the OSPF routing rule source comparison mode.
OSPF source
List box {Internal; Inter-area; External type 1; External type 2}, default = "External type 2"
OSPF sources. "Internal" stands for internally generated rule (e.g. interface range). "Inter-area"
stands for rule generated on the area borders.
Filter OSPF tag
List box {Off; Match; Not match}, default = "Off"
Selects the way of filtering based on OSPF tag.
OSPF tag
Number {0 2
-1}, default = 0
OSPF tag to be compared. The tag is added to a rule when inserted to OSPF.
List box {Accept; Reject; Pass}, default = "Accept"
Defines what action is taken on the routing rule. "Pass" continues in processing. Import OUT rules
Import OUT filter [PP1] rules. The order of rules matters. Maximum number of filter rules is 256.
Filter policy
List box {Accept; Reject}, default = "Accept"
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